Saturday, 31 January 2009


I very much dislike bad use of punctuation. However, using the acronym LOL to punctuate sentences really, really annoys me. I remember the days of LOL first breaking into mainstream typing everywhere. It was a phenomenon online which can be compared today to the likes of Twitter. Lots of people use it, some people don't have a problem with it whilst others utterly despise it's existance. Fair enough. Whilst I don't personally use it myself (I'm more a 'haha' kinda girl), I can't help but think it makes people look a bit... stupid. Yes, yes I said it. If you use the acronym LOL, you are therefore stupid. Unless, of course, you use it in an ironic manner. Then it's fine.

The first example is in texts. You indicate you are amused about something, but just how difficult is it to replace LOL with an extra character and go for 'haha'? That one extra character is the difference between someone judging you as a finely spoken, well shaped individual or an utter mong. Did you really just laugh out loud? I'm not sure you did. Can you even spell laugh? Again, I'm not sure you can.

The absolute WORST use of LOL has to be to punctuate sentences. Often these can be found on social networking profiles (expect a whole rantage of that just shortly...) and goes along these lines:

Hey! My name is "insert name here" lol! Dunno what to say lol! I enjoy different kinds of music. Not shouty stuff though lol!

What the hell is wrong with these people?! Why are they laughing so much? That suggests a serious neurological, possibly mental, problem. I cannot emphasise enough just how simple it makes these morons look. There should be some sort of authority online who decides if someone is abusing lols. Then it should be reported to the relevant ISP, who should ban these idiots from making the internet a lolhaven. I've had enough of them.

LOLists, you are idiots.

1 comment:

Phil said...

omg wtf roflmao