Thursday, 23 April 2009

The New England Kit

Just who the hell thought it would be a good idea to make Ashley Cole look like a sailor in the new England kits?! Hasn't he endured enough gay jibes? Probably not...

The new England kit. A big deal has been made about this. Even more so than usual. I understand the English FA and Umbro have to provide a marketing campaign to sell their product, but I can't help but think they really haven't thought this one through. The unique selling point of their newest product is the fact it is tailored to fit. Right. Obviously that is exactly what fans like this chap on the right here were hoping for. He's going to go home and ask his wife to get the measuring tape out to get his chest size so his new England strip is exactly the correct size for him. Have these people done absolutely no research?! One of the first stages of the design process! Classic case of what the designers want is actually the opposite of what the client wants. It makes me so angry, what a basic error to make.

The end result of all this though is going to be seen in South Africa (assuming they make it there, of course) which will be groups of 50 or so fat men, running around throwing plastic chairs at the locals. But at least their shirts will be tailored! Maybe they'll look a bit more respectable?

Just because you had someone measure you to make your shirt emphasise your athletic build, it doesn't mean teams like Croatia and Russia won't embarrass you silly again.

The new England strip was made by Idiots.

Jade Goody - The Musical

Right. Now I've managed to keep my mouth shut for the best part of this Jade Goody thing seeing as everyone has an opinion. I understand it's tragic, a young mother leaving her two sons at such a young age. That's a given. Some people complain about the press interest given to her as she was dying. I'm not bothered either way. She was making money for her kids, if you didn't like it, you didn't have to watch/read it.

However, what I DO object to is this, Jade Goody - The Musical.

Just how bad taste is this?! Firstly, enough already. The family/friends/agents should just let it go. Have a little bit of taste and dignity. They run the risk of gradually turning the entire nation against her, even when she's dead! What I don't understand is the claim of:

"The most important thing is to give someone a break, just like she got."

I see. So someone is really going to be taken seriously by appearing in a stage show about someone who was neither very bright and also a bit racist? No. Just no.

If they were really that intent on "giving someone a break", why don't they set up or promote a charity in her name to help fund and support people from poorer backgrounds who have a talent (I can't help but wonder what exactly Jade Goody's talent was...) and support them.

However, it's now all got so much out of hand, it's painfully blatent that she has become a commodity which people who claimed to be friends with are now exploiting. That in itself is sad.

Jade Goody - The Musical is an idiotic idea.

Social Networks

This could go on for a while. Leave now.

So, about 5 years ago everyone was like "Are you on MySpace?!". If the answer was no, you were frowned upon. Frowned upon is possibly a bit old fashioned. You were more likely mocked for not being tech savvy and having an online presence. So off we all went, signing up to MySpace to stop the mocking, uploading our faces and all the details of ourselves. There were the three main types of social networkers; the over excited 'I-must-tell-you-everything' types, the cocky/arrogant 'I'm-too-good-for-this (but I still have a profile here!)' types and then the 'I-actually-really-can't-be-bothered-with-this' types. We'd spend hours uploading photos of ourselves, laughing at other people's photos, leaving comments. I spent many an hour or two playing around with html, trying to get my profile to look just right and better than the profile I had before. It was good, we all enjoyed being able to fritter our time away online.

Then someone mentioned Bebo.

So I though, 'yeah, I'll give this a go'. It asked me for my University details and e-mail address when I signed up. I though 'wow, this must be important!', and it was. You didn't even need to know any html to make your profile look spiffing. So we all spent a bit more time on Bebo, but not fogetting our MySpace though. It was there first, after all. Some of us even linked back to MySpace, just incase you wanted the same information, but different.

Then someone else mentioned Facebook.

'Might as well...' we all thought. But Facebook was different. It wasn't as easy on the user. It confused people. Many never made it past the 'Sign up' page. It was difficult times. Bebo and MySpace were safe. Though with time, people were won over. They learned to change. Hell, even Facebook changed. Suddenly there was an understanding there between the user and the network. It was almost perfect. Many people found what they were looking for in Facebook which they couldn't find in Bebo and MySpace.

Only now, there was a problem. People proclaiming they were 'no longer on Bebo or MySpace', often broadcasting it through Facebook.

See, this is the problem.

Nobody actually cares.

The amount of times I've heard people claim this. Like they're too good to be on these sites. Why did they sign up in the first place? And just why do they feel so smug and superior announcing this? 'Oh, I never use MySpace anymore'. Yeah? You want to know why that is? It's because you're boring and tedious! Your profile falls into the categories above and people find you characterless. You have no redeeming features, or at least no way of conveying it. THAT'S why you have no commincation on these sites and can no longer justify using them. I very much dislike the reputation certain types of people give social networks, especially when they were the very types who couldn't get enough of them in the first place. Maybe if you learned to transfer your obviously shining and wonderful personality to another medium, you'd be a bit more interesting.

Social Network bashers for no reason, you are idiots.