Thursday, 23 April 2009

Jade Goody - The Musical

Right. Now I've managed to keep my mouth shut for the best part of this Jade Goody thing seeing as everyone has an opinion. I understand it's tragic, a young mother leaving her two sons at such a young age. That's a given. Some people complain about the press interest given to her as she was dying. I'm not bothered either way. She was making money for her kids, if you didn't like it, you didn't have to watch/read it.

However, what I DO object to is this, Jade Goody - The Musical.

Just how bad taste is this?! Firstly, enough already. The family/friends/agents should just let it go. Have a little bit of taste and dignity. They run the risk of gradually turning the entire nation against her, even when she's dead! What I don't understand is the claim of:

"The most important thing is to give someone a break, just like she got."

I see. So someone is really going to be taken seriously by appearing in a stage show about someone who was neither very bright and also a bit racist? No. Just no.

If they were really that intent on "giving someone a break", why don't they set up or promote a charity in her name to help fund and support people from poorer backgrounds who have a talent (I can't help but wonder what exactly Jade Goody's talent was...) and support them.

However, it's now all got so much out of hand, it's painfully blatent that she has become a commodity which people who claimed to be friends with are now exploiting. That in itself is sad.

Jade Goody - The Musical is an idiotic idea.

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