Tuesday, 19 January 2010

"We're For Fife"

I've never been the biggest fan of my local council being run by the SNP. Now, however, they've gone and done it. If you're from Fife or have ever been to Fife, you'll understand why this video has gone and caused everyone to be sick in the nearest plant pot.


Apparently, all parties responsible for this absolute monstrosity claim the brief was to "promote civic pride". Well done. You've succeeded in making an entire region of Scotland a national laughing stock AND WE WILL NEVER LIVE IT DOWN.

Is it the horribly, nauseating, faux American, super cheesy song? I mean, those lyrics... they really capture the imagination. "Living life together, at our very own pace". Thoughtful. I know Fife might seem to be stuck in an 80's timewarp, but maybe they could have come up with something just a little less... spandex sounding. It sounds like one massive radio jingle. I hate radio jingles.

Or could it be the "I thought I could be bothered, but as it turns out, I couldn't" video? A shot of a beach, because nowhere else has them. A bunch of dancers who probably wouldn't make it onto a Britain's Got Talent montage. Planes. Lots and lots and lots of planes. However, there is a man with a cracking mustache in there.

After a winter of elderly residents of Fife slipping and sliding on the un-gritted pavements, I feel like someone should sit them down and make them watch the "We're For Fife" video. I'm sure they'll agree their broken hips were worth it, by cutting the budget for grit to fund that absolute sickeningly, horrific, ghastly, pointless manifestation of crap.

Fife Council. You're idiots.

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